Een eerste brouwsel – Update 2 26 juni 2018 0 Gisteren, na bijna 2 weken op de mandfles, het SG gemeten: 1004. Vergisting lijkt mij dus zo goed als afgelopen. De smaak was bijlange niet slecht, nog behoorlijk zoet, sterk in alcohol en een beetje een droge afdronk. Maar zeker…
Een eerste brouwsel – Update 23 juni 2018 0 De vergisting is op kamertemperatuur (20-21°C) vrij snel op gang gekomen, met de volgende dag al veel beweging in het waterslot. Dit is zo een paar dagen door blijven gaan. Na een dag of 5-6 was de activiteit al afgenomen…
Een eerste brouwsel 10 juni 2018 0 Afgelopen week mijn eerste brouwsel gemaakt. Meteen al veel dingen ondervonden en geleerd voor een volgende keer. Om te beginnen heb ik een startset voor graanbrouwen aangeschaft, met name de Startset graanbrouwen PRO ELECTRA van Homebrewshop/Braumarkt, samen met een aantal…
Creating an Angular Single Page Application with Azure Active Directory and adal.js that uses an ASP.NET WebAPI 19 april 2017 0 This sample shows how to create a single page application (SPA) that uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with adal.js and uses an ASP.NET WebAPI with AAD. The source code for this sample can be found in the angular2-adaljs-webapi GitHub repository.…
Add Azure Active Directory to an existing Angular 2 Single Page Application 10 april 2017 1 This article will guide you through the process of configuring your Single Page Application (SPA) in TypeScript (or JavaScript) to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication. We will use adal.js Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for JavaScript and ng2-adal (which is built…
Add Azure Active Directory to an existing ASP.NET MVC web application 5 april 2017 2 There are 2 options to add Azure Active Directory to your existing ASP.NET MVC application. The easiest one is in Visual Studio. Right-click on your web project, and you are presented with the possibility to configure Azure AD Authentication. This…
How to create a zip archive and download it in ASP.NET 5 april 2012 0 In a previous post How to download multiple files in ASP.NET, I explained how to generate multiple documents and offer them as separate downloads in ASP.NET. One of the options I had when looking for a solution to offer multiple…
How to download multiple files in ASP.NET 4 april 2012 1 The project I’m currently assigned to, already has an option to generate reports (pdf) which are just streams the binary output of the report generator to the response output stream. Something like this: Dim binReader As New System.IO.BinaryReader(report.ExportToStream()) With Response…
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) with PostSharp 27 mei 2011 0 What is AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)? Aspect oriented programming breaks down programming logic in separate concerns. It separates and groups blocks of code that perform a specific operation and that can be applied to or re-used by different pieces of…
Introducing NuGet 23 mei 2011 0 What is NuGet? From the NuGet website: NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio. Installing NuGet Method 1: NuGet comes with ASP.Net MVC3 The easiest…
Telerik Grid ClientTemplate with collection inside column 13 augustus 2010 0 I have defined a ClientTemplate which needs to display an employee and its roles as a list of items inside a single column. Take following example: Model person.cs: public class Person{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string…
Prevent caching of stylesheet and javascript files 10 augustus 2010 0 First something about caching The numerous caching options you have in ASP.NET (MVC) are mainly focused on data and page output caching. But caching also occurs at the webserver, network and browser level. These you can’t always control from within…